You guys also must be worder kan?
How does it looks?
And is it possible?
Now you don't have to worry because there is nothing impossible nowadays.
Correct me if i'm wrong.
So,saya suarakan pendapat saya ni kat EG.
Kebetulan Yana (adik EG) pon ade kt sebelah saya.
And guess what she said?
Boleh jerr..
.."I tengok NANA (selebriti) ade bagi kt dlm hantaran untuk husband dia"..
*dia mesti tau punye lah..nana tu feveret celeb dia..hehe ^_^
Nak dijadikan cerita,saya pon try la browsing2 di internet, and then POOMMM!
I found this!
So,what say you?

XOXO ^_^
hoho..boleh je...
nmpak lain dari yg lain sket..hehehe
tenkiu cik rama2 ungu..^_^
salam. tu artis. ni ada lagi satu http://wee-wearegettingmarried.blogspot.com/2009/12/this-is-love-story-our-story-hantaran.html gitar feveret gua dibuat hantaran, siap kalerkan utk sama dgn tema blue lagik :)
salam mr noble.giler kewl!!mne u jumpe?
thanx nway..huhu..makne er dah 2 org la sy jumpe yg buat gitar dlm hantaran..eyh..feel free to follow my blog ea..as i follow yours..huhu ^_^
dah lama dah terjumpa kat google :D
ouh..ok thanx again nway for the sharing link..^_^
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