Ape yang menarik sangat saya nak kena kongsikan kali ni dengan korang?
Trust me!
Ini fakta depan mata yang sangat menarik okkk..
Ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri kerana sangat frust dengan salah satu daripadanya.
Ape yang anda tahu tentang....

Mestilah korang tahu kannn..
Tempat tengok wayang, movie-movie terkini..ahaa
Tetapi, yang mana satukah anda prefer compare with
GSC Mid Valley

GSC Alamanda?

Apa yang membuatkan saya sangat frust dengan GSC Alamanda is their service!!*grrr..
Saya sangat sangat kempunan nak tengok cerita yang saya dah lame tunggu ni.
Tapi bila saya sampai alamanda, cerita tersebut tidak ditayangkan!
This is my conversation with one of their duty staff at the counter that day..
The Girl : Hi, selamat datang ke GSC..
ME : Hai, saya nak tanya..Cerita 'Life As We Know It' dah ditamatkan tayangannye ke? Because if i'm not mistaken that day, I saw their board advertisement here.
The Girl : ??? (She seems so blurred)..
Then, after I saw her face like that, I become more confius..
ME : Ermm..ade kan cerita tu? Atau pun saya da salah sebut tajok movie tu kot..hee..Tapi lebih kurang macam tu la bunyik tajuk tu..
The Girl : Saya tak pernah dengar pulak..
ME : Are you sure? Seriously I saw it that day..
The Girl : Sorry. Saya tak tahu pulak.
Then, I faster go away from the counter.
Mulalah saya rasa macam nak naik angin time tu.
Now I ask you guys.
Korang rasa adakah jawapan dia memuaskan hati korang??
Nooooo!!Absolutely not!
You can't even simply said that you don't know and you never heard!
So, balik rumah lepas tu, ape lagi?
Saya terus on lappy and search for the title movie.
YES! I am right.
Ok, now let me share you a bit info comparison for both cinemas..
1. While I'm checked through online booking, I can see the different already. Movie movie yang ditayangkan di Alamanda cuma dalam 6-7 jenis saja. Tapi, movie movie yang ditayangkan di Mid Valley jauh lebih berbeza jumlahnya berbanding dengan Alamanda. Mid Valley ada lebih 12+ movie.
2. Next, korang boleh dapatkan Famous Amous untuk dinikmati sambil menonton wayang favorite korang tu..hee
*sebelah kaunter pop corn tu je..Tak payah pergi jauh-jauh..

3. Sebelum masuk ke Hall tu, kepada peminat-peminat HOT magazine, korang boleh ambil seberapa banyak zine yang korang mahu..hahaha

Ok, yang ini saya harus ambil okkk..
Gossip Girls are on the cover!

Hee..tak sabar nak tunggu season 4 mereka sebenarnya ni..
So far, ini saja yang saya dapatkan kongsikan.
Nak cepat-cepat masuk hall ni sebenarnya..hee
Tunjuk tiket jap..^_^

Air favorite saya kalau nak tengok wayang atau pun pergi makan fast food..^_^

Iffahhh.. guess wad? My bad experience at GSC Alamanda was worst than this >.< Tht day I tgk 1 movie ni, and I was late for less than 5min so I thought I might just missed those trailers/ads. But bila I masuk je movie tu dah start dah. Tp I tak kisah la sbb I ye lah kalau setakat beberapa minit missed, not a big deal right? And ada la ramai jugak yg baru masuk lepas I. And then bila I tengok cerita tu, I rasa storyline dia mcm kelam kabut, pelik and tak faham. And after only like 1 hour, the movie ended!! I pun keluar blur-blur and x puas hati. Pastu I tgk ada la ramai org kat kaunter. Rupanya movie tu tersalah timing..lol! So kitorg semua ni actually cuma tgk half of the story, sbb tu la tak fhm. They din refund us tho. They just gave us 2 ticket compensation for each ticket, means we got 1 free ticket but only for certain movie, for a limited time!.. (movie yg dah nk habis tayang). It was really suck >_<
hey reen..tht was really sucks ok!how come? They are not responsible for it..Damn! U remind me of one story also. I had once experience with them also where they not setting up the film on the right wider screen. Grrr..We all dah like pening2 tengok, then my boifie directly go out to the counter looking for the right staff. After that, they are not trying to start again the movie! They just continue until what we are seeing that time.Hmm..memangla sape nak rugikan? But at least they could show some appreciate for their loyal customers who always come to the cinemas..*sighh
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