There you can see that I didn't do my homework very well..hee.
This guy have such a big name in the wedding industry and how can I don't even know him. Sighh..
Haaa..inilah teman-teman opis yang sibuk meng'recommend' make up Aleng tu..huhu

They said that his make up was very superb and I won't regret it.
Coz they had try it once.
Later I will show you their picture during the company event.
Balik rumah after that, i did told my sister, Lad about this guy.
And OMG!Coz they had try it once.
Later I will show you their picture during the company event.
Balik rumah after that, i did told my sister, Lad about this guy.
She said the same thing too.
Kawan office dia pon keep on telling her about this guy punye make up..haha
Haaa..kelassss gitu!
Bukan ape, saya ni punyalah cerewet bab-bab nak bagi orang menyonteng atas muka saya ni..
Ciri utama untuk Make Up Artist (MUA) wedding saya haruslah dikalangan seorang lelaki.
Bukanlah perempuan atau pun separa perempuan. Katanyeerr..
Anyway, I got my own reason which tak perlulah saya katakan di sini ye..^_^
Oklah,nak dijadikan cerita,business partner Aleng ni rupanya was among office mate kami jugak..heheTadaaa..Sharul Aimer!*wahh..glamour dia sekejap kat sini..huhu

Memang rezeki sayalah kiranya ni..ahaks!
If you think it's hard to believe,come let me share you some of Aleng Tohara's touch and Sharul Aimer's artwork.
Fyi, most of Aleng's client was among the VIP.If you think it's hard to believe,come let me share you some of Aleng Tohara's touch and Sharul Aimer's artwork.
So,you guys mesti boleh expect kan?
What's the different make up for an artist and VIP?
It is much much much more different okkk..
Below is the album of Dr. Syeikh Muszaphar Shukor and Dr. Halina..
Aleng Tohara was the MUA for their solemnization and reception.

Susah-susah sangat kalau korang dah add fb dia, confirm punyelah korang akan jumpa banyakkkkkkkkk lagi album lain yang menarik..huhu
Ini saya bagi sample yang common which semua orang pon tau siapa itu..hehee
By the way, apa lagi yang saya nak kongsikan ialah, Aleng juga sangat sangat pandai buat beading!
Auuwww..seriously gojess dalink!^_^
I am totally adore it..
Look at the below picture of album.

Ni baru sikit tau..hehe
Ok saya nak bagitau benda yang paling buat saya gumbira sekali bila Aleng juga ada menyediakan sangattttttt banyakkk beautiful shoes!!!

Ooopss..semua gambar ni saya credit kan kepada Sharul Aimer jugak tau.
He had a very good talent in photography..hehe
Finally, nak dijadikan cerita, saya dah very the falling in love with Aleng Tohara's touch!hehe..
Langkah seterusnya kami buat appoinment dengan mereka.

Aleng's PR was very superb beb!
His advised totally you can't get it anywhere tauu..
He is very good for recommendation.
Lad terus confirm ambil dengan Aleng jugak.
Malam tu jugak dia terus buat keputusan. ^_^
Gila kau!
Aleng tahu apa yang sesuai untuk anda, apa yang cantik dan tidak untuk anda..
You can see his drawing for us.

Not even that, hand bouquet yang saya request pon sangat sangatlah adorable!
As Aleng said, my hand bouquet will be the champagne color.
Belom nampak depan mata lagi,saya punya excited dah tinggi menggunung..
Nak tau cerita selanjutnya?
How does I look before and after make up,how does my hand bouquet looks, which sepatu did match my dress, and what earring and tiara that I used during the reception..hehe
Oklah, sebelum saya tutup introduction of my MUA entry, saya reveal kan gambar mereka yang saya ceritakan mula-mula tadi tu ye.
Haaa..They are the few of the beautiful and adorable ladies in our office setelah mengenakan sentuhan make up Aleng Tohara..
Kak Linda,Kak Axie,Kak Lyn and Kak Leen..huhu
Pinjam gambar yerr..^_^

Selepas selesai make up dan hairdo ole Aleng..huhu ^_^
Gojesss tak u olls? heee..
Mrs Chuck
aleng tohara nie rate dier mcmana eyh iffah??
dh lme usha dia...i sgt suka jahitan manik dia :)
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