Malam tadi, sempat la jenguk new baby kejap.
Punye la lame plan, semalam redah je datang.
Tapi, baby tido pulak..
Si Cik Damia Hannah xsabar sangat nak tengok.
Damia boleh tanye saya, "See baby at hospital?"..
Huhu..No lah, Hannah.
We are going to baby's house..;)
She looks so excited.
After we reached, faster she grab the present and said.."Hannah bagi present kat baby"..
Huhu..I love her.
Then, mase kt dalam rumah tu kami pon sebuk la bersembang.
Yang melucukan kami, disebabkan makanan feveret dia adalah telor, so without our notice she play in the kitchen.
And suddenly bring along a plate with 'telor dadar' on it..
Sampaikan Uncle GG nak amek pon dia xkasik..
Anyway, here's are fews pictures yang sempat lah Eg snap even though while the baby was sleep.
Comel kan??
So, what say you?

And this is the ibu to Amir Haqim..;)
Cube tgk betol2..
Same kan?
Mate Haqim ikot ibu dia..

And ini lah cik Damia Hannah!!!
Ibarat kate dia, .."Cute macam Hannah"..;p

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