What do you guys think of it?
Its damned cute beb!!
Its a coincident while I'm browsing in Google and searching for locket as a belated besday present for Incik Zarizi..
But then, I am really surprised after seeing this result.
It is totally nice!
Pretty cute!

It is totally made from SCRABBLE.
X caye ker?
Cube you guys tengok shape pendant ni betol2?
Kan ke same macam huruf2 yang korang dok buat2 ayat tu..;p

But then I did search for the price and how to make these things.
The price wasn't bad..
Nak buatnye macam mudah.
But sedikit costly lo kalau nak beli barang2 dia..
Ermm..kalau dapat buat sendiri mmg puas hati.
Silap hari bulan, saya pulak yang niaga benda alah ni..
So, what say you?

XOXO ^_^
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