..While I'm driving,suddenly I remembered about my dream last night..Then,directly I changed our topic by issuing about the signs of my dream..I don't know how to describe what I felt during having the dream..It's totally make myself very calm while stand at this place..It's just only me n him..Then,we make up our mind by getting a new idea for extending our photography business..It is such a nice place to being there..I know,for sure you guys try to imagine what kind of place it is right? Here,I attached some example of picture how does the place looks like..
..After keep talking about my 'mimpi',suddenly,Eg had told me that his actually having a weird dream last night..He started with a bar where he also don't even know how he could be there..It's all about alcoholic..He is really got no idea how he can drink that thing..But he still awake..Weird right? Coz,he never touch that thing nor even once in his life..But then,in his dream,he could be drunk..
..Ok,after make some research about our dream,now I got the answer for each dream that we have..Probably,you guys could take note if one day you also can get the same dream like us..
..Jika anda bermimpi melihat keindahan alam yang luar biasa, alamatnya, anda akan terlepas dari susah dan rugi. Dan kalau anda sedang sakit (tertimpa musibah) akan sembuh seperti sediakala.
..Jika anda bermimpi meminum barang alkohol sehingga (yang memabukkan) seolah-olah tidak tahu dunia lagi, bertanda anda akan mengalami badan yang sehat, fikiran yang waras dalam menghadapi sesuatu peristiwa kehidupan jasmani dan rohani.
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