..Seronok betul kenduri kali ni yang aku pergi. Adik dan kakak kawin serentak! I love the concept, the dress, the decoration, and all. Really GOJESSS! Happy tgk dorng neh kawin same2..Meriah rasanya. Adehhh..Kan bestt..

..Kakak dan husbandnye..

..Si adik dgn wifenya..

..I really love white!..
..See, the HEART! Damn sweet..
..haha. Aksi suami dan adik cuba mencium si kakak..

..Yang ni, cik Damia Hannah!! Da beso t mesti gojes mcm auntie Iffah kan kan..hehe

..And this is Puan Zatul Iffah and Encik Amir Hussen, the parents to the lil cute kid above, Damia Hannah..

..3 Dara Pingitan..

..Ouwwch! Its me and my prince charming..haha

..Si Chantekss..


..Damia with auntie Iffah..


..Like mother like daughter..

..Belum cukop korum er lagi neh..

..Auntie Iffah dgn Auntie Yeqs..

..Its like there is a story inside the picture..
..Mr and Mrs Pink..
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