Well well well..Mesti korang tertanya-tanya kan? Macam ni tu macam mana? Anyway, baru ni saya terjumpa semula keratan yang saya simpan since I was in Form 2. Wahh..sangat lama dah. Warna keratan ni pun dah kekuningan dah..hee.. So, to make it short, i wish to share with all of you, below is a poem about a men from a diary of a teenage girl posted in the internet..

The nice men are ugly,
The handsome men are not nice,
The handsome and nice men are gay,
The men who are not so handsome but are nice men have no money,
The men who are not so handsome but are nice men with money think women are only after their money,
The handsome men without money are only after our money,
The handsome men who are not nice don't think we are beautiful enough,
The men who think we are beautiful, somewhat nice and have money are cowards,
The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice, and have some money are shy and never make the first move,
The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest on us when we take the initiative.
Now, do you still understand men?
So, what say you?
agak nye la ye...
Berpusing-pusinglah nak fahamnya. Macam tu nak faham orang lelaki.
bonda..huhu..pening kan? tapi itu lah poem yg budak tu tulis..
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