Lame betol saya simpan entri ni.
Dah tak ingat bila kala pergi ni..huhu
First time step in, betol la macam Kak Iza (Shazwani's Hamid sister) kate dalam entrinya..
Lantai situ macam bola besar..huhu
Cuba kita tengok close-up lantai tu..heee
How was it?
It looks alike kan? ^_^
Then, kami terus menuju ke kaunter dengan harapan nak tengok menu-menu yang disediakan.
Anyway, this is how does the macaroons looks..
So small, so cute, so colorful, and it is sooo unreasonable if we compared the price and the size..hehehee
Well, what to say?
That is the market rate..^_^
Auuwww..nyum nyum!
This is what I am looking for..^_^
Oh, my Reddish..
Come to mama pleaseee..
I wanna eat you till I could gain my weight then I couldn't even walk because you already fulled my fat..hehee
So thirsty..
What about drinks?
Huu..I've been wonder if they have any special drinks other than caffeine.. ^_^
But seems like I had no choice.
Lucky me because mr. Boifie very loves coffee.
Now, you can see our bored faces while we are waiting for our set to be served..haha
Here they comes..
Tadaa daa!!
My lovely tempted of Red Velvet..hee ^_^
Seriously anda akan sangat menggemarinya..heee
Credited for them..yeayy!!
Tak caya?
Tengok tu..
Cepat je kami habiskan..hik hik hik
Sedap tau..trust me maa..^_^
Ok, not to forget..
The little macaroons are ready to served..ngee
The flavor that we only took are chocolate which is the chocolate color, peanut which is the blue color, and vanilla which is the cream color..
Ok, mesti korang wonder how does it taste and looks..
Anyway, let me brief a bit here..
Yes, it is true like other people said yang macaroons size ni hanyalah sebesar syiling 20 sen..
Dan rasanye pulak adalah sangat sama macam korang makan cotton candy/gula kapas..
Itu yang saya baca dari hasil kajian saya melalui incik Google lah..^_^
Air ape pulak yang saya pilih sebagai minuman kami?
Tadaa daaa..
If i'm not mistaken, kami order Cappuccino kot..hee
Dah lame simpan entri ni, jadiknya ingat-ingat lupe..^_^
So, saya memang tak boleh blah.
Because I hate coffee so much..
So, mr. boifie je lah yang habiskan..hehe
So, lastly, sebelum balik, sempatlah kami take away chocolate

and a slice cake for bonda..
p/s: Saya sukakan bekas recycle mereka..wee
*Thanks to Whisk..^_^
On the way nak keluar pergi parking basement kat bawah, kami terserempak dengan ni..hee
Macam bestt je kan kan..huhu
Masa saya tanya incik Google haritu, dia kata tak siap lagi..
Anyway, dah kenyang so lepas tu kami nak kena pergi fetch my cousin, Kak D kat Taylor's College pulak..
Dia mintak tolong kami ambil gambar rumah Tan Sri..
Kak D is a really good architect and interior designer..^_^
She did a good job for rumah Tan Sri ni..
*kak dee, da puji-puji ni nanti belanja kitorang lagi tau..=p
Baiklah, mari saya buat sedikit kesimpulan..
Ok, nak tau macam mana boleh tertarik nak sampai sini?
My temptation is came after I read one of cik Shazwani Hamid's entry..
Sangat sangat teringin nak rasa Red Velvet cake tu yer..
Jenuh nak carik resepi cake yang delicious lagi reddish tu..haha
Nasib baik ade cik Syahira yang sudi kongsikan resepi tu pada saya..
*thank you,dear..
Macaroons tu tak delah sangat..
Cuma nak tengok how small it is.
Katenye, melalui ape yang orang cakap, macaroons tu sekecil syiling 20 sen saje.
But the price is cost about RM2 per piece..^_^
Kat sini saya senaraikan budget yang perlu anda sediakan sekurang-kurangnya:-
-MACAROONS tu costnya seketul RM2..Tak kiralah flavor ape pon anda ambil..
-RED VELVET CAKE tu bersamaan dengan RM11.90 per sliece..Kek lain saya tak pasti..heee
-CAPPUCCINO tu costnye RM9 secawan panas dan tambah lagi Rm0.50 jika mahukan ais..^_^
-Last but not least, CHOCOLATES yang saya beli sebelum balik tu harganya, RM2 seketul k..Tak silap saya ade 3 jenis chocolate kot..Saya mesti pilih color pink..hehe
ape rase kek red velvet tuh?0_o
blogwalking jumpa blog u yeay!
salam b2b ^__^ i linked u ya
Anonymous : red velvet tu sgt sgt sgt sedap..serious!u better go n try..=)
CikSyafa : yeayy..huhu...salam b2b! sudah link kah? wokeyh..i linked u kembali..^_^
assalamualaikum iffah,
red velvet sedap kan? nom.nom. teringin juga nak beli sebab nak tau macam mana rasa dia kat kedai. ngee.. pada hal dengan cost RM11.90 tu saya dah boleh bake a red velvet cake yang boleh dimakan untuk 12 org/piece. haha..
wsalam syira..
lame xnampak..huhu ^_^
eh? ye ka? byk tu je ka cost yg diperlukan? wahh..rugilah macam tu kan..hmm..nanti boleh la saya rase buatan cik syira pulak..hehe..
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