Morning peeps!
Waiting for my latest entry for today?
I will start with my reason of my statement above.
Yesterday,incik Ayob(our fren who will be engage on this Saturday),was decided to order a surprise stuff for his fiancé which is a cupcake from the 'Cupcake Chic'..

I am pretty sure that you guys are still remember with this entry right?
So, saya dan EG mintak tapaukan sekali satu cupcake untuk kami.
*p/s : saya makan yang design atas sekali paling kanan.
Xhabis satu cup tu jea, saya da rase sangat muak dan full macam nak muntah.
Saya ingat saya je yang rasa macam tu, rupenye the same thing happened to them.
No wonder la they leaved us 4 piece of cupcake.
Because the other 2piece is supposed belongs to them.
Tapi disebabkan rasa yg cepat muak tu dorang bagi kt kami je la suruh habiskan.
The best part which is surprise me a lot, they keep on bubbling about the promoter at the store.
Dah la kawan ni nak tempah buat design2 macam yang kite salalu tgk cupcake yg comel2 tu, tapi itu xdibenarkan pulak.
Kata mereka, hanya diorang je yang boleh design macam mane.
Yang nak belinye sape?
Yang nak makannye sape?
Aku ke Engkau???
Pulak tu, si Ayob ni nak amek hari Jumaat.
So, mereka suruh dia amek menu hari Jumaat.
Menu semalam(Selasa) xboleh..
I really2 dont get it.
Kata mereka lagi, tulisan hanya ade satu warna iaitu 'Merah'.

*p/s : habis tu? yang kat atas ni tulisan dia warne ape???Merah jugak ker??or Kuning???
Leceh gilerrr..
Sudah la cake ko tu mahal.
Demand pulak tu.
Kesimpulannya,servis yang mereka berikan sangatlah tidak memuaskan hati.
Dan!! Jangan mudah terpedaya dengan trick gambar..^_^
Nampak je chantek.
Ibarat kate promoter tu la.
.."Kami ni TIDAK mementingkan isi atau rasa dalam dia. Yang penting kat luar tu yg chantek.."..
Boleh kau???
I would rather buy a plain cupcake without any design or color on the top, as long the tastes are delicious and could make others ask me..
"Heyy! Where do you get this yummy cupcake?"..
So, what say you guys?
XOXO ^_^
eh kereknya org tu! ni nak berbisnes ke nak kerek? sudahla, toksah layan org camtu, wasting time je, beli kat tpt lain je.
use your consumer power to show who's the boss.
kerek kan? tau tape..mmg i will strongly said tht is highly not recommended la kannn..yup!we got our own power as a consumer. will use it in any other time..^_^
hellow iffah ,
teruk betol cupcake chic neh , slalu nyer jalan dpn kedai die , teliur nak mkn sbb design comel , tapi bile u tulis entry ni x de rase nak beli dah , haish . kerek plak tu , ni kalu ngadu kat manager die , for sure kene buang keje , hehehe =]
helow dalink,
^_^ tu la tu..ramai yang bace entry ni and sgt terkejot. Even i cite kt kwn2 laen pon dorg xsangke. i teliur pon sbb nmpk gmbr yang comel2. tu la yang incik Ayob tu pon tertarik dgn entry i fasal cupcake chic sebelum ni. P who knows. smpai mcm tu servis dorg. eyh,anyway,t follow la blog i ea..i nk follow blog u i crk2 xjumpe follower..ngee..
hello cik iffah ,
i dah follow ur blog , i dah publish follower tu , hehehehe , sebenar nyer malas nk publish sbb mmg xpnah publish pun , heee =]
tenkiu cik wani..^_^
ok,i nk gi follow u plak..
no wonder la carik2 xjumpe..;p
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